Retail POS System
For Australian Businesses

Intuitive Point of Sale System for Retail Businesses

Don't Worry,
We Set Up Everything For You

POSApt is the user friendly POS system integrated E-commerce platform. Business can manage both in shop and online sales within single system. This synchronization simplifies inventory management, order processing, and ensures consistent product information across all channels. Manage business smarter and save time.

Software To Streamline Your Business

A game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve customer experience.

  • Free Consultation
  • Custom Website and Maintenance
  • products Upload Included
  • User Training Included
  • Friendly Customer Services

Benefits Of A Retail Point Of Sale Software

Faster Transactions

People these days have the patience of a goldfish and busy hours in a retail store could mean long lines which ultimately turn these people away. However, with a retail POS system, you can process transactions quickly and efficiently, reducing wait times for your customers. Happier customers = higher sales.

Faster Transactions

Accurate Pricing

A Retail Point of sale system automatically calculates the prices based on your product and discount settings, minimising the risk of errors. This can help you to avoid overcharging or undercharging your customers, ensuring a fair and transparent pricing system.

Accurate Pricing

Better Customer Service

By automating sales processes, you can focus on providing excellent customer service and creating a positive shopping experience. You can also easily access customer data, such as purchase history and preferences, and use this information to personalise the customer’s experience.

Better Customer Service

Features Of A
Great Retail POS System

Inventory Management

To be a great Point of Sale system, an inventory management feature is a must. This allows you to track your inventory in real time and quickly restock when needed.

Sales Reporting

A good retail POS software must have an intuitive way to provide insights into your business and generate meaningful sales reports. This can help you to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions about pricing, sales and offers.

Mobile and Tablet-Based Solutions

Everyone today has a smartphone in their pocket and a great POS system takes advantage of this by offering mobile and tablet-based solutions. This offers convenience and mobility for all types of businesses.

Integration with Other Systems

Another vital feature would be to seamlessly integrate with other software solutions such as accounting software, eCommerce platforms, and customer relationship management (CRM) software. This makes it easy to manage all aspects of your business from one central location.

Customisable Settings

A good Retail POS system should offer customisable settings, so you can tailor it to your business needs. For example, you might need to set up automatic discounts, loyalty programs, and special promotions or change tax setting

Multi-Payment Support

The system should have multi-payment support. Customers can use credit cards, debit cards, or cash to pay for the products they purchase. This enhances customer satisfaction and ultimately more sales

5 Reasons To Choose
POSApt Retail POS Software

User-Friendly Interface

1.User-Friendly Interface

POSApt Retail POS system is user-friendly and easy to navigate, so you can get started right away without the need for extensive training. Even still, we offer a ton of tutorial videos and a hands-on training session at the time of setting up your retail POS system.

  • Easy to use
  • Free Training included
  • Tutorial videos available
Affordable Pricing

2.Affordable Pricing

We understand that a POS system should be the saving grace of your retail business, not the one that hogs your profits. That is why we offer competitive pricing on our POS systems, with no hidden fees or charges.

  • No customer service charges
  • Try before you buy scheme
  • Competitive pricing
Cloud-Based Solution

3.Cloud-Based Solution

Everything’s cloud-based these days, so why not even your POS system? POSApt's retail POS system is cloud-based, meaning you can access your data from anywhere on your smartphone or tablet with an internet connection and of course your account login details.

  • Better than local storage
  • Secure data storage
  • Accessible from everywhere
Advanced features

4.Advanced features

And when you need your POS to do a little extra, we have added a few advanced features in our POS software, such as employee management, multi-store support, and real-time inventory tracking, to help you get the most out of your investment in the best retail point of sale system in Australia.

  • Franchised Business Support
  • Real-time updates
  • Low stock alerts
Customer Support 24/7

5.Customer Support 24/7

Finally, we couldn’t call ourselves the best unless our customers also share the same notion about our POS software. So, to improve our customer satisfaction, we provide dedicated 24/7 support for all of our clients, so you can get help whenever you need it.

  • Expert customer support
  • Available round the clock
  • Zero charge for customer support

Book For Free Consultation Now!

  • Speed Up Sales
  • Manage Multiple Stores
  • Real-Time Sales Reporting
  • 3rd Party Software Integration
  • Keep Track & Prevent Stock Spoilage
  • Analyse & Improve Business Profits

Frequently Asked Questions?

A retail POS system, or point-of-sale system, is a software and hardware solution that helps retailers process transactions at the point of sale, record sales and manage inventory. The hardware components are usually a cash register, barcode scanner, Android tablet and card reader, and software that allows you to manage everything.

Simply put, a retail POS solution can help retailers save time, money, and sanity. With a POS system, retailers can ring up sales faster than a cheetah on espresso, and track inventory levels more accurately than a bloodhound on a scent. And let's not forget the improved efficiency, streamlined operations, and overall business insights that a POS system can provide over a humane counterpart. So, whether you're a small business owner or a retail giant, a POS is a must-have tool for success.

POSApt has a starting price of $99/month for the basic setup. Check out our complete pricing plan to learn more.

Yes, POSApt can integrate with other software solutions such as accounting software, eCommerce platforms, and CMS systems as per your necessity.

To setup POS solution for your retail store, you just have to fill up our enquiry form. One of our technicians will contact you within 24 hours. Afterwards, we will schedule a demo with you on how our Point of Sale System works. Depending on your need and the size of your retail store, we will suggest a monthly pricing plan. If all goes well, our team will come to your store location and will set up both hardware and software for you.

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